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Dy Pays Much Attention to Safe Production, Implementing Heatstroke Prevention and Cooling Measures

Jul. 16, 2024

DY pays much attention to safe production.

Implementing heatstroke prevention and cooling measures


Summer has come. It brings special relaxation and comfort atmosphere of sunshine and beach, as well as the rolling heat wave. When it comes to July, the weather is becoming hotter and hotter and people have to find ways to cool and prevent heatstroke, such as wearing sunglasses and hats, holding sun umbrella, drinking much water, having cold drinks, using air conditioner and so on. As far to production and work, more requirements for safe production are needed because some unexpected accidents and incidents are more likely to happen due to summer heat, especially on some unavoidable high temperature work occasions.

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DY always tries best to create good work condition for all the staffs and workers, and has arranged heatstroke prevention and cooling work before summer heat hits. In each workshop, all the air conditioners and the ceiling fans were comprehensively checked and some got repaired to maintain normal work condition before summer. The management department has already replenished the first aid boxes of each workshop and security room with medicines, as well as 2-3 boxes of Chinese traditional medicine for treating heatstroke. At the same time, the DY cafeteria also starts to supply free green beans soup for all the staffs and workers to relieve summer heat.

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DY pays much attention to safe production all the way and actually implements many measures to comply with the safety principle. All the employees are required to get safety production training before work. The Safety promotion pictures, each job position risk notification cards and the warning signs are put up in every workshop and get updated if necessary. Moreover, multiple emergency drills have been conducted to improve the capability of all the staffs’ and workers’ response to unexpected accidents. In this June, the 23rd national safety production month, DY organized three emergency rehearsals, which are rehearsal for power outage and heatstroke in the casting work section of foundry workshop, evacuation and firefighting rehearsal and drill for limited space operation. Through the rehearsals, all the staffs and workers can enhance the capability of response to emergencies and know how to deal with them immediately in order to reduce possible losses and damages when emergency actually happens, which is sure to effectively promote awareness of safe production.


DY pays much attention to safe production,  Implementing heatstroke prevention and cooling measures


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